Meet Your Coach



We are all on a journey of some kind. From the moment we are born, we have an opportunity to live in alignment with who we are, and find ourselves often facing some hard truths about who we are not. Many of us are lovingly steered in the wrong direction because of societal norms. We take those understandings as truth and go about our lives.

My truth was, “I achieve, therefore I am.”
It was my understanding that I had to EARN love. 

This set me up for an inevitable breakdown, but also, a fantastic breakthrough.

I worked myself non-stop. From sports to jobs, to constantly taking care of everyone else around me. I found myself in people pleaser mode, with a propensity towards perfectionism.  This created a heavy dose of  “I’m not good enough” coursing through my veins.

Becoming a wife and mother presented me with a completely new set of challenges.  I was offered my dream job but found myself guilt-ridden. My belief was, I had to choose between motherhood and a career.

I chose both and carried a deep sense of obligation to do it all and do it well, just to prove that it could be done. I could hustle hard to make it all work! *sigh*


Spoiler alert: It didn’t work.

The hustle lifestyle ran me straight into the ground. Three years of managing my illness and seven months of bed-rest, to be exact.I swore I would never do this to myself again.
And, to never give up on my dreams.

Those three years were the hardest time of my life. I faced many challenges personally and professionally. But I made it through, revamped my business, and vowed to help keep other women from falling prey to the pressure of being in a constant state of doing, which ultimately led to complete burnout.

It was at this point in my life I discovered my gift to the world, and truly, my gift to myself.

My peers and clients were struggling to balance motherhood and business; suffering from guilt, overwhelm, and that damn HUSTLE mentality. I could see them falling victim to the very same pressures I did.

I was not about to allow my story to become theirs!

Being a life and mindset coach for female entrepreneurs, I am completely fulfilled by witnessing these women blow their own damn minds!  Fun? Ease? Yup, they can’t believe it either. I’m in love with what I do.

These days, I spend a lot of time BEING and less time DOING.

I LIVE for sunny days and long walks in nature.

My boys are now teenagers so we spend as much time together as we can, usually in the form of Pokemon Go or Marvel movies and shows, unless it’s summer; that’s when we spend TONS of time outside camping and swimming.

If I’m not outside, I’m likely at my favorite bar writing. (It’s about the white noise, not just the tequila 😉

I am energized by speaking to large crowds of female entrepreneurs, teaching them how to lead a life with less hustle and more ease. Despite 2020, I’m making a comeback with a mission to get in front of as many women as possible! 

I’m here to tell you that you CAN have it all.

You CAN be the mom you long to be.
You CAN have a business or career that fulfills you.
You CAN love yourself so deeply that you experience clarity, vibrance, and  EASE daily. 

I’ve done this for myself and helped my clients do the same.

You no longer have to live in your past.

It’s time to live in your possibility.

Are you ready for this shift?
Are you ready to stop the hustle and enjoy the flow so you can be that badass BOSS you know you can be?

I know you are.
Let’s go.

Grab a FREE consult with me —> Possibility Strategy Session

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