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“The daily struggle is real.”

I used to believe this with my whole heart which caused me to be totally frustrated with life. I was buried in all the tasks of work and motherhood. I was realizing that all of this now fell on my shoulders. What was I thinking? I was overwhelmed about something that I created. Some days it was hard to swallow that I chose this life. I chose to divorce my husband and do this life on my own.

Being a single mom means no back up. No one else to help you manage:

  • The schedule

  • House chores

  • Disciplining the kids

  • Bringing in an income

  • Taking over so you can have a free moment to pee alone!

  • Overwhelm that fills your brain

I used to believe this was all a struggle, until I finally understood that while there were certainly moments of challenge, that didn’t mean I had to live my life in utter misery. I could choose to find the middle ground. I could choose acceptance and gratitude for the life I created. The middle ground was the place where I *felt* capable, confident, and secure. Where I could feel ALL my emotions and still function. Where I could be the mom I wanted to be AND continue to run my business.

Trust me, I didn’t believe it was possible. Not for a LONG time. But when I opened up my mind to the possibility of living differently and not feeling like shit all day, every day, that’s when I started to LIVE. I became a better mom and CEO. I created more money, time, and energy! Oh sure, I had plenty of mind drama. My mind was constantly telling me that I was doing it wrong, that I won’t make it, and that I’m not a good mom. The more I leaned into trusting that I was on the right path, the quieter that mental bickering became. The day I was able to claim my coaching business as my sole income, I celebrated. I proved to myself that it CAN be done.

Single moms are amazing mothers to their children.
Single moms are capable of wealth.
Single moms are successful, badass women.

I’ve been where you are. I understand how rough it can be. Do not give up on what you most desire out of life. Check in with yourself and ask, “What do I need most right now?,” and “How do I want to feel when I’ve ‘made it’?” Chase the feeling. Lean into it daily. You will surprise yourself how quickly you start living from that state of being. You’ve got this mama. I’ve got your back.

Lots of Love,

If you can relate to the struggle of motherhood and feel like you trapped in the muck of it all, let me show you how we can flip that story to fun and ease. I can help you feel GOOD about your situation as a mom and be a stellar CEO in your business. All you have to do is start.
Let’s chat today.
Book yourself some time right here: 60 min coaching consult

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